Los contenidos de este informe son los siguientes:
- Knowledge management as a key element for healthcare quality. P Rivero Corte
- eHealth governance: the Spanish approach. E Gil Zorzo, L Lozano
- The Global People-centred eHealth Innovation. AR Jadad
- PAHO/WHO: eHealth conceptual model and work programme for Latin America and the Caribbean. M D'Agostino, D Novillo-Ortiz
- Beyond the gadgets: socioeconomic, educational and political implications of people-centred health enabled by eHealth. S Eccles, S Muttitt, JC DiLucca, A March, M Winfield
- People-centred healthcare systems: opportunities and challenges. Y Quintana, NM Lorenzi, M Shani
- Human-centred eHealth: current opportunities, challenges and the way forward for China. Y Su, J Talburt, J Soar
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El informe ha sido publicado gracias a la colaboración entre BMJ Group y la Agendia de Calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud del Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad.